Tour Locations

Akosombo Dam

Akosombo Dam

The lake is formed by the Akosombo Dam, which was originally conceived by the geologist Albert Ernest Kitson in 1916, but whose construction only began in 1961 with completion in 1965. Because of the formation of Lake Volta, about 78,000 people were relocated to new towns and villages, along withContinue Reading…

Kalakpa Resource Reserve

From Accra, Kalakpa Resource Reserve can be reached through Juapong on a branch off the main Accra to Ho road. The Ho to Abutia Kloe road through Sokode can access the reserve. The Resource Reserve with its administrative headquarters at Abutia-Kloe in the Ho district of the Volta Region hasContinue Reading…

Fort Prinzenstein

This Fort was among the four major Danish structures in Ghana, built in the commercial capital of the 36 Anlo towns, Keta in 1784 AD. SURROUNDING ACCOUNTS When the Portuguese, the first among the Europeans to reach the shores of modern Ghana in their sea route Search to India inContinue Reading…

Adaklu Mountain

History Of Adaklu Mountain Adaklu Mountain, arguably one of the tallest and fascinating mountains in the country, has been ‘lying low’ with its tourist potentials for decades while people living around the mountain live in abject poverty. This, perhaps, is due to the lack of knowledge of the Mountain’s scenicContinue Reading…